
It must have been invented by...

 When and where do you think there were invented? brain surgery, concrete, eye make-up, water sanitation systems Read the text and check your predictions Which information did you find the most surprising?  How certain is it that the sentences are true?  Write certainly true (CT), possibly true (PT) or certainly not true (NT).  1 Egyptians invented make-up.   2 Both men and women in ancient Egypt wore make-up.  3. Our ancestors knew about bacteria.  4. It was a bad idea to perform brain surgery. 5. Roman concrete was good as modern concrete.  6. Roman concrete was very strong.  7 The people in the Indus valley were safe from dangerous diseases.  Find the sentences in the text that told you the answers to Exercise 3. Match the modal structures with their meaning (1-4). Then read the Grammar box to check.  1 It's very probable or certain that something happened  2 It's quite possible that something happened.  3 It's imp...

Empathy vs Sympathy

 Andrea is the new team leader of a team working on a project. In a meeting she gets angry and shouts at you for delaying a piece of work. You had explained beforehand that you needed more info to complete the job. You remember times in the past when Andrea didn't finish her work on time. How do you react? a. think about why she may be angry and talk to her afterward b. remind her of times in the past when she didn't finish her work on time c. decide she is a bad leader and complain to the other team members in the kitchen area Here is a video about empathy by the well-known researcher Brene Brown. As you are watching, note down 1. The characteristics of empathy 2. How it is different than sympathy Here are 5 tips to increase empathic reactions Listen actively. Practice active listening by reformulating the message to the person who just said it. ... Consider how the other person may be feeling. ... Focus on similarities ... Practise mindfulness... Listen actively. Speak less t...

A natural or a hard worker?

  What have the masters achieved? To what extent are their achievements due to natural talent or hard work in your opinion?    So how did Judith become so good ____chess? She had a long-term commitment _____ becoming the best. So, from a very early age, she focused ____ the game and pracised. Where do Stephen's amazing abilities stem ___? Already as a child, he had a passion ____ drawing. Practice prepositions https://create.kahoot.it/share/prepositions-advanced/20ca120f-311c-4ae7-a6f9-30c426e8afb5 Circle all the /dj/, /tj/ and /sh/ sounds in the tongue twisters (1-8).  Practise saying the tongue twisters in pairs.  1. I'm sure 1 saw Sheila selling seashells on the seashore, but I can't be sure she sold seashore shells.  2. Julia, George, Jean and Joan joyfully jumped down the jagged hill.  3. Chester the Cheetah chewed a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese.  4. Fresh fried fish,  Fish fresh fried,  Fried fish fresh,  Fish fried fresh....

Convincing someone who questions the evidence

 DISCUSSION 1. Think of a time when you were trying to convince someone of your point of view. Work in pairs to discuss the questions. How did you try to convince them? Did you  appeal to their emotions appeal to their logical reasoning tell personal anecdotes  quote scientific evidence 2. Did you manage to convince them? What happened? B. Do you know the story of the atheist and the priest? Let's watch a video to find out why persuading people of something against their convictions is so hard.     C. Which of these things do you naturally do when you have conversations with people who don't share your point of view? Which of these things do you need to work on?  Can you think of examples of confirmation bias that you've seen? What role do you think media plays in encouraging confirmation bias? 2 What are some common beliefs that you share with your friends or family? Have you  met people with different beliefs from you? What happened? What are the ben...

Difficult conversations - Part 2

Do you usually talk about problems with the people that are upsetting you? What can happen if you don't? How far do you consider "embracing Discomfort for Growth" is applicable in life? Read an article by social scientist, author, and famous speaker, Simon Sinek. What does he suggest? READING STRATEGY 1. Start with the WIIFY (what's in it for you). This engages the reward system of the brain, improving concentration and memory. 2. Skim read for general ideas. This is not the time for detail. Titles, topic sentences and key words hold the major points that interest you. 3. Read the questions one by one. (Refrain from reading the options as this will confuse you.) Go back to the text, find and underline the  answer, then match with the optimal option.  Key: pay special attention to the question key words!  Answer the following questions What is the first step that Simon Sinek suggests before starting an uncomfortable conversation? A) Presenting solutions immediately B)...

A flexible behemoth!

Dell's story provides an interesting outlook to a contemporary company's growth.  Let's watch a relevant video (Ch 4 & 5) and discuss the questions   here Michael's future and future tenses  here! Discover IT Vocabulary  here Now, imagine you are Dell's Training officer and you are planning a seminar. Look at this example of an  email  to the participants and find ways to improve it. Time to sing!

Making small talk

 Are you shy or outgoing when you meet new /or not-so-new people? Do you like to make small talk?   Where do you usually have the chance to do so? (in the office kitchen/ at the reception area/at the park/ on the way to work/ waiting in line/ ?)  What is your pet subject for small talk? Use the following expressions and take it in turn to strike a conversation with a different partner: How do you like this weather?  Are you enjoying this class?Did you hear about__________? How long have you been waiting (for the elevator/ the train/ the class to begin, etc) My Bucket list Do you have a bucket list? What are 3 items in it? Let's watch a guide on how to set one. What are the steps? What's a good piece of advice you heard from Vanessa? LANGUAGE In the blurred lines of life, things get overlooked , so here’s the brass tacks: you and your dreams exist in separate realities. Your dreams aren’t going to fall in your lap, they can’t. They have to be grabbed and dragged ...